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At SHIRE EXTRA, we love a good Podcast, whether we create them ourselves or other people have gone to the effort of making them and are happy to share with us.
This page is a compilation of podcasts about music, art and culture that we believe you should stick in your ears. We are also providing links to other great podcasters who discuss matters concerning music, art, comedy, drama, theatre, movies, culture and more.
Keep coming back to this page beause we are always adding more.
A collection of the individual interviews recorded for Shire Radio and Shire Extra, leading up to and during the Biggar Little Festival in October 2024. For a full list of the interviews with links to them, click HERE.
Scots Whay Hae! is the place to discuss modern Scottish Culture, whatever and wherever that may be. To access and listen to them, put your finger or mouse HERE.
Listen on Soundcloud
Watch on YouTube
Join Edith Bowman for her weekly podcast, where she talks to Directors, Actors, Writers, Producers and Composers about their relationship with music, both personally and professionally. Get them HERE.
Songwriter James Yorkston and record shop owner Brewer Stephen Marshall discuss music, play records of no fixed abode and vaguely try to keep it as close to 46.30 as possible. To listen, click HERE.
Scottish Makar Kathleen Jamie and host Alistair Heather are joined in the Scottish Poetry Library by some of the most talented and vital voices in modern Scottish letters. Enjoy poetry readings and enlightening discussion by clicking HERE.
Meet Mrs. McShoogle, ‘iconic’ actress turned landlady to the stars. Mrs. McShoogle’s stories bear no resemblance whatsoever to real life, they are one hundred per cent fiction and fabrication – but fun to listen to when you click HERE.
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